Monday, March 9, 2009

140 words - Implementing Application Lifecycle Management Tool

purchasing and installing the right ALM system or set of tools is not enough. Most organizations don’t realize the hidden cost of using ALM systems. Using an integrated application lifecycle management requires the organization to consider the followings:

Existing ALM methodologies might need to change;

Resistance of users, now need to “serve” another system, not to mention the fact that they are under “surveillance”, since all their activities and performance is now documented…;

It requires some time for to exploit the full benefits an ALM system;

If several tools are in use – traceability is not natural. It might require lots of investments in order to make all systems “talk” to each other;

And finally – not all organizations are mature enough, or ready for such a change, as good as it can be


  1. Talking about ALM implementation – are you referring to specific tool/tools?
    What is your experience in such implementations?
    Can you give us some tips regarding implementation?

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